A Better Understanding of Hemp Oil Benefits
There are many benefits from hemp oil extract. One of the most important compounds that comes from hemp is cannabidiol, abbreviated CBD. CBD is often misunderstood because it is a marijuana-derived compound, and people think of marijuana as a psychoactive substance.
Only a part of some plants are psychoactive. It is possible to extract the benefits of the hemp plant without the “high,” which is exactly what hemp extract does. Product containing pure, full-spectrum extract – like the ones used in all HempNess products - give you all the hemp oil benefits without any psychoactive or addictive properties.
The Interaction with the Body
As research into cannabis and its impact on the human body has been pursued, the endocannabinoid system (often abbreviated ECS) was only one of many discoveries. Within the endocannabinoid system are several receptors which "bond" with phytocannabinoids (the technical term for CBD and THC). These receptors are =CB1 and CB2.
CB1 receptors are those which are most commonly associated with THC. These initiate psychoactive impact, including the “high” feeling created by THC. CB2 receptors are those which CBD interacts with primarily. These are mostly associated with inflammation. Basically, when the body is damaged in one way or another, inflammation often results. This is expressed from the microscopic level to a scale large enough to be visible to the naked eye through layers of tissue.
CB1 receptors and CB2 receptors are all over the body. The first type, the type which interacts with THC, is usually found in the brain. Primarily, you'll find CB1 receptors in these areas:
- Substantia Nigra
- Hippocampus
- Basal Ganglia
- Cerebellum
CB1 receptors are also located in the limbic system and the peripheral nervous system, as well as the liver, testicular tissue, in the bones, in the uterus, and in the thyroid gland.
Meanwhile, CB2 receptors will be found in the spleen, immune cells, throughout the gastrointestinal system, and to a lesser degree in both the brain and peripheral nervous system, and even stem cells, according to the National Center for Biotechnology Information.
Benefits of Hemp Oil
It is to be expected that hemp oil benefits will have some relation to the location of receptors in the body, making CBD extremely active in the gastrointestinal system, immune system, and (to a lesser extent) the nervous system. Additionally, however, CBD itself reacts differently than THC, meaning it will come with some specific, unique benefits.
What has made cannabidiol products such popular alternatives to many expensive, addictive pharmaceuticals with debilitating side effects is that CBD oil can provide health benefits without the costs and risks associated with some other drugs.
Some of these health benefits are quite surprising. SelfHacked.com offers a long list of such benefits, including:
- Anti-Cancer Properties
- Inflammation Reduction
- Autoimmunity Impact
- Positive Impact on Diseases Like Alzheimer's
- Alleviation of Symptoms Associated with Multiple Sclerosis
- Potential Benefit for Schizophrenics
- The Potentiality of Seizure Reduction
- Anxiety Reduction
- General Pain Relief
- Assuaging of Pain Associated with Rheumatoid Arthritis
- Appetite Increase and Nausea Reduction
- Diabetes Risk Reduction
- Heart Protection
- Antidepressant Qualities
- IBD (Inflammatory Bowel Disease) Treatment
- Protection Against MRSA
- Possible Enhancement of Bone Growth
- Insomnia Treatment
- Assistance in Breaking Addiction to Substances
- Acne Reduction
- Possible Psoriasis Symptom Reduction
Before delving too deep, it's important to stress the FDA has not found cannabidiol products to cure anything, and they are neither over the counter drugs nor pharmacy-grade medicines. Basically, they are symptom alleviating agents which have positive side effects.
There is a new market for cannabidiol consumption as Baby Boomers have become familiar with these astonishing benefits of hemp oil. According to an article published on September 25th, 2018, Baby Boomers are substantively affecting the cannabis market.
Cannabidiol extracts offer an important solution for people battling a host of different ailments, and there are specific benefits they seek. The most important from the above list include insomnia, IBD therapy, appetite increase and nausea reduction, general pain relief, anxiety reduction, seizure reduction, associated anti-cancer benefits, reduction of inflammation, and neurodegenerative disease therapy for conditions like Alzheimer's.
Hemp oil benefits insomniacs in a number of different ways. Firstly, inflammation relief leads to pain relief. Inflammation is the root of many conditions, and may not always be something you know you're contending with. Sometimes, inflammation is happening in an internal way that isn't immediately tangible.
In any event, a cannabidiol extract assuages inflammation, and it reduces anxiety. These things help you to relax, and make sleep much easier. When the body is less agitated, the mind can relax easier. CBD is much to be desired as an insomnia preventative solution over tactics like alcohol use or excessive pharmaceutical dependence.
IBD Therapy
Because of its anti-inflammatory properties as they pertain to the gastrointestinal system, those suffering from Inflammatory Bowel Disease, or IBD, are finding welcome relief with CBD. This is one hemp oil benefit which is important for more than just Baby Boomers.
Today's "health" environment is strained by several factors, not least of which being foodstuffs which are synthetic, and with which the body often has a negative reaction of one kind or another. CBD represents a simple, healthy, clear-headed approach to IBD.
General Pain Relief
Because of CBD's relationship with CB2 receptors, and the compound's anti-inflammation properties, it has been commonly noted that cannabidiol extracts help those experiencing pain. But unlike pharmaceutical solutions to pain such as Oxycontin, there aren't negative side effects.
CBD is non-addictive. You don't generally have any direct psychoactive feeling, and there are many areas where pain relief solutions are only necessary for a short period of time. When that which caused the pain goes, there's no more need to counteract it. Thus, CBD offers addiction and side-effect free pain relief.
Seizure Reduction
For those with seizures, CBD was shown to work where other medication couldn't, in several different studies. In one study, it was found that 39% of subjects saw a 50% reduction in seizures--this according to the American Epilepsy Society.
Appetite Increase and Nausea Reduction
"The munchies" have been associated with cannabis since people began to use it, but because THC has psychoactive effects, it can prove discomfiting to some, inducing nausea. CBD doesn't have a psychoactive impact.
There have been studies which show CBD reduced vomiting that resulted from drugs of a toxic nature. CBD can actually reduce or "even out" the effects of THC, reducing nausea for those taking medical marijuana. In any event, stimulated appetite and nausea reduction are benefits from hemp oil that many people enjoy.
Anxiety Reduction
Anxiety has many components, and pain is one of them. In an April 23rd article from 2018, NPR verified that studies have shown CBD reduces anxiety without dependence on any "high." Once again, the psychological benefits of CBD are apparent without interrupting normal brain functioning.
Associated Anti-Cancer Benefits
Hemp oil benefits those suffering from cancer in several different ways, and oftentimes more effectively than THC-related therapies owing to psychoactive effects. As earlier noted, pain and nausea are both reduced by cannabidiol extracts, and these are several of the chief symptoms associated with cancer.
When appetite increases, that helps the body's recovery from harsh chemo. There are even direct cancer combating properties of CBD like tumor fighting. There are studies which have found it killed cervical cancer, thyroid cancer, lung cancer, leukemia, and even colon cancer. Breast cancer, prostate cancer, and a certain brain cancer called glioma also shown to respond well to CBD.
There are a few reasons for this, but in a nutshell, cannabidiol extracts basically sap the energy production capability of certain cancers, additionally making associated cells susceptible to the body's natural immune response in the form of white blood cells. Also, apoptosis, where cancer kills itself, has been observed in some studies. There's quite a bit of literature on this worth looking into for those considering such treatment.
Reduction of Inflammation
Hemp oil benefits those suffering from inflammation through its interaction with CB2 receptors, as noted earlier in this writing. Increased inflammation reduction initiates swifter recovery for many.
Neurodegenerative Disease Therapy
Alzheimer patients experience some substantial benefits from hemp oil. Basically, CBD acts as a sort of bodyguard for brain cells. Toxicity and stress can be effectively combated by CBD, which additionally helps those who have suffered from strokes recover.
Many different kinds of brain or neurological damage are apt to see better recovery through CBD supplementation. Twitches that aren't controllable can be reduced, with higher doses being more effective--but remember, the mind isn't muddled.
What is Hemp Oil?
Cannabis comes in many diverse kinds. Hemp is a particular strain of cannabis that is exceptionally weak in THC, or tetrahydrocannabinol, and exceptionally high in CBD. Generally, you'll find a THC saturation in hemp to be between .3 and 1.3%. Meanwhile, low-end cannabis of the non-hemp variety will be around 10%, and you can expect mainstream recreational and medical plants to produce 25% or higher.
So far, the highest percentages are around 32%; but it's like the old west these days--many private enterprises are figuring out all kinds of tricks to expand this. In any event, THC is the psychoactive ingredient which produces the "stoned" or "high" feeling associated with cannabis. What these numbers indicate is that hemp is as much as 3,200% less potent than the hard-hitting THC-rich strains of today. Yes, there is THC which can be recouped from hemp, but this can be isolated out.
Near-pure CBD can be attained, and this is the foundation of all HempNess products. It is this pure, full-spectrum CBD oil contains in the HempNess line that will give you the optimum hemp oil benefit, without any psychoactive or addictive properties.
CBD is controversial, but it's easy to see why it is gaining popularity. There are a number of different diseases and health conditions for which CBD may offer some relief or symptom abatement. In truth, there is a great deal of research left to be done on hemp oil benefits, but this can be an affordable, effective, non-addictive aid for many people.