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The Wide Variety of Beneficial Hemp Oil Uses

The Wide Variety of Beneficial Hemp Oil Uses

Hemp oil is derived from cold-pressing hemp seeds. What results is purified a number of ways to extract diverse elements like cannabidiol, or CBD, and terpenes. Hemp is a cannabis plant, but it's not one that produces the "high" often associated with marijuana. This is because hemp is especially low in THC, or tetrahydrocannabinol, the psychoactive ingredient in marijuana.

Scientists have determined that the brain and nervous have receptors which "bind" to THC and CBD differently. To put it in layman's terms, CBD will soothe the body, reducing inflammation, but leaving the mind alone. THC will produce that heady "stoned" feeling which accompanies cannabis ingestion. As such, CBD isn't generally used in a recreational way, as there is no “high.” It's used therapeutically as a means of treating varying conditions. While CBD isn't a curative compound, it may help with a variety of conditions and can definitely provide relief through symptom alleviation. 

Researchers at the Lautenberg Center have identified several hemp oil uses that are increasingly common, which, include: 

  • Pain Relief
  • Anti-Inflammation Therapy
  • Withdrawal Symptom Management and Overcoming Addiction
  • Reduction in Epilepsy Severity
  • Generally Effective as A Means of Treating Neurological Disorders
  • May Inhibit Growth of Existing Cancer Cells
  • Aids Immune System
  • Reduces Anxiety
  • Reduction of Inflammation Associated with Type 1 Diabetes
  • Acne Treatment
  • Slows Bacteria Growth
  • A Buffer Against Alzheimer's Disease
  • Helps Treat Eczema, Psoriasis and Facilitate Skin Health
  • Promotes Bone Growth
  • An Appetite Stimulant and Anti-Nausea Treatment
  • Reduces Seizures and Convulsions
  • Suppresses Muscle Spasms
  • Reduces Blood Sugar Levels

Pain Relief and Anti-Inflammation Therapy 

Pain and Inflammation Relief

Inflammation is the key cause of many health issues and the source for a large amount of persistent pain people experience. Though it may be an overstatement, there are some who would explain all human ills as some sort of inflammation somewhere in the human body. Think about what happens when you twist your ankle or jam your finger. The limb or digit swells up--it becomes inflamed. It is then sore, and you must favor the injured body part until the inflammation goes away.

In this sense, inflammation is much like the body's reflexive safety cushion. If you get in a car wreck, airbags deploy. If you injure yourself, bodily fluids rush to the injury, bringing nutrients, white blood cells, etc. where needed, and flushing out infection, toxins, etc. Inflammation is, in essence, the body’s natural response to adversity. The problem is that these fluids pool around injuries and infections, rather than passing through. Unfortunately, inflammation is painful and is the root of many health conditions. Since CBD interacts with the nervous system, it is especially effective at providing relief for such inflammation-related conditions. Accordingly, hemp oil uses generally have some relationship to inflammation reduction.

Hemp oil uses will commonly be associated with exterior and interior application as a means of inflammation therapy. If you've got a sore joint, leg, or muscle group, you can ingest CBD sublingually (under the tongue), via vaporization, or through a topical ointment. Additionally, there are edibles and gel-caps available, which are most popular for non-smokers and for those looking for quick, easy, and discrete ways to take CBD oil. Any of these means of ingestion will work, though they may have varying degrees of efficacy and time to bring symptom relief.

Basically, vaping will give you the most immediate results. Topical ointments will likewise induce perceptible relief more swiftly than ingesting via edible or gel-cap but tend to be less effective. Sublingual usage is additionally swift, but some don't notice as much benefit as other forms of ingestion. Pure CBD oil is bitter, so many people prefer gummies or gel caps. It all depends on your personal constitution and preferences.

Also, how much you ingest could make a big difference. Generally, the greater your dosage, the greater the anti-inflammation results. But again, it will depend on your personal constitution and your size. If you're over 240 pounds and have severe pain, a ballpark dosage figure maybe 45 milligrams. The effects of CBD tend to last several hours--again depending on your constitution. There is an important caveat here. Researchers at the Lautenberg Center determined that only full-spectrum hemp oil provides a direct correlation between dosage and symptom relief. CBD isolate essentially reaches a “saturation point” fairly quickly, and additional isolate is essentially wasted; no further symptom relief is possible. Here at Hempness, we provide only the highest quality, full spectrum hemp oil.

Withdrawal Symptom Management and Overcoming Addiction

Hemp oil uses pertaining to opiate and other drug addiction therapy are noteworthy. Because of the anti-anxiety, anti-inflammatory properties of hemp oil, it represents an ideal supplement in therapeutically assisting withdrawal. For alcohol, opiates, and heroin especially, CBD can make quitting the substance much easier. Since CBD is non-addictive and not generally habit-forming, it won't surrogate the previous addictive substance. The inflammation from withdrawal is reduced, anxiety is reduced, and the actual act of taking the substance can help curb addictive cravings. Additionally, if one does continue to use CBD, there have been no long-term side effects of a negative nature to be observed in the literature. If you've got to switch an opiate for CBD, that's a good trade in terms of health and price, and even mental stability--again, depending on your personal constitution.

Reduction in Epilepsy Severity

Epilepsy is a disorder which affects the nervous system directly. It's been found that varying isolate and full spectrum hemp oil uses can really help reduce instances and severity of epileptic seizures. Full spectrum CBD contains more than just CBD; it also contains terpenes which assist in anxiety reduction as well. This is a burgeoning field of medical study, but the positive impact has been observed. According to WebMD, there is significant scientific evidence associated with CBD therapy as regards epilepsy. It is perhaps the most quantifiable hemp oil use being researched today.

Generally Effective as A Means of Treating Neurological Disorders

Epilepsy is one of the hemp oil uses that has led researchers into considering the application of CBD and other hemp-derived compounds on other neurological disorders. While results aren't yet as conclusive as those pertaining to epilepsy, several neurological conditions are shown to benefit from properly administered doses of CBD, making this another kind of hemp oil application which may very well represent a miracle treatment for those who suffer from varying neurological ailments

Facilitates Reduction of Anxiety

Hemp oil is going to be significantly more effective at helping with anxiety if it contains full-spectrum CBDs. Since the mind remains clear, and there is no physical addiction accompanying CBD use, this is one of the hemp oil uses that is becoming increasingly popular. One of the fastest growing markets in terms of hemp oil consumption is baby boomers, as they are finding just how effective--and seemingly miraculous--this compound is. It's no surprise drinkable and edible options are increasingly prevalent. Personal constitution will play a part in your own preference here. Still, the bodily relaxation and relief from pain are usually seen as a successful means of reducing anxiety.

Reduction of Inflammation Associated with Type 1 Diabetes

Medical practitioners are finding type one diabetes can be treated with CBDs. CBDs reduce pancreatic inflammation, helping the body operate in a more healthy way.

Acne Treatment

Acne is often associated with inflammation of the skin for one reason or another. It is now being found that hemp oil uses pertaining to acne reduction have some level of success in treating the condition, leading to a bevy of products.

A Buffer Against Alzheimer's Disease

Believe it or not, CBD has been found to help manage conditions associated with Alzheimer's. At the time of publication, no cannabis-related therapy can prevent the disease, but cannabis products including CBDs help reduce some of the negative symptoms which come with dementia. Consult a medical specialist for best results.

Helps Treat Eczema and Facilitate Skin Health

Eczema is an inflammatory condition topical hemp oil use helps to treat. Additionally, even if you don't have eczema, CBD-rich oils can be used topically to promote healthy regulation of the body's natural oils.

An Appetite Stimulant

To experience full appetite stimulation without mental hindrance, you'll want to go with a full-spectrum CBD blend. Otherwise, CBD has been known to help regulate healthy bowel function, as--again--inflammation is reduced through its use.

Effective Pain Relief

There is a lot of misinformation out there pertaining to hemp oil use. Hemp isn't going to get any but the most sensitive of the most sensitive individuals "high". And even then, they'll have to mentally "squint" to perceive the result. If that's an issue, isolate compounds can be used to ensure only the anti-anxiety, anti-inflammatory compounds of hemp are ingested. That said, the plant has substances which actually have receptors that are built into the human body. It is not terribly surprising that it should be especially useful in treating ailments, and less damaging to the body than many synthetic painkillers.


At the end of the day, you won't find any hemp oil uses which are a panacea. It's not a medicine, it's not a drug, it's a supplement which has been clearly shown to reduce inflammation in a number of areas throughout the body, owing to its intrinsic relationship to mammalian nervous systems. For those who have never tried hemp products, it may be worthwhile to do a little research and consult your physician. For the most part, people don't have negative reactions. Consider what pain you have, and what solutions you're using to treat it presently. CBD could be the supplement you've been missing.