What is CBD Oil?
Cannabidiol is abbreviated CBD and has astonishing health effects which are making it popular among non-traditional users. As a matter of fact, CannEpoch.com published an article in February of 2018 which went on to explain why Baby Boomers are the fastest growing group of CBD users.
There are a number of reasons for this, chief of them actual effects of CBD as opposed to perceived effects. Many people think that CBD will get you "high", that it will get you "stoned", or something similar. Actually, this doesn't happen with CBD. Rather, the compound plays a roll in symptom reduction and pain alleviation, and the effects are widely reported to be quite notable. The market likely wouldn't be growing as it is otherwise.
PR Newswire reported in may that CBD is situated for "huge growth", and many savvy Wall Street investors are paying attention. Cannabis is increasingly corporate, as is CBD. These products have value, and that will be explored in detail throughout this article.
Here are six frequently asked questions about CBD that will be explored.
- What Is CBD Oil?
- Where does CBD Oil come from?
- What Is CBD Oil Used For?
- What Is CBD Oil Not Used For?
- How much does CBD Oil cost?
- What are the common CBD Oil dosages?
What Is CBD Oil?
CBD oil is squeezed from specific strains of cannabis and accounts for--according to Wikipedia--about 40% of what results from extracts. It is said to have antidepressant effects while simultaneously maintaining sobriety. That is to say: you don't get stoned when you use it, but you do feel better. Inhaled CBD is, according to the same Wikipedia article, more likely to have a strong effect than that which is taken orally; though the numbers overlap. Orally, expect "bioavailability", which can be loosely understood as absorption, to be between 11 and 13%. Inhaled CBD is absorbed at about 11 to 45%.
Where does CBD Oil come from?
CBD Oil comes from hemp, which is 2,500% less potent than medical or recreational cannabis. The reason is TetraHydroCannabinol or THC. In medical and recreational marijuana, you can expect 25% or more THC content. Hemp is a strain that is at about 1% THC saturation, and the majority of that doesn't find its way into CBD.
Basically, hemp is squeezed until hemp oil comes out, and this is saturated with a variety of substances, one of them being CBD. Once hemp has been harvested, the squeezed oil is put to a number of sometimes surprising uses.
What Is CBD Oil Used For?
First and foremost, it's important to note that CBD is no drug, it's no medicine, it isn't something that is designed to cure any illness. Think of it as a health supplement. It can help with a variety of pains and reduce symptoms in certain conditions. According to Canabo Medical Clinic, CBD can be used to provide relief, and initiate some positive side effects--consider these uses:
- General Pain Relief
- Reduction In Seizures Among Certain Users
- A Treatment For Those Suffering Social Anxiety
- The Ability To Help Treat Cancer Through Anti-Tumor Effects
- A Drop In Risk Of Acquiring Diabetes
There are additionally a number of conditions CBD is known to help through inflammation reduction. Basically, you've got receptors in your brain that CBD interacts with, and these are related to that which causes inflammation in the body.
When you ingest CBD, it interacts with those receptors, facilitating a reduction in associated symptoms. It's been used to help people quit smoking, assist in neurological conditions, reduce acne (believe it or not), help reduce the fallout from Alzheimer's disease and more. This according to a July 27, 2018, article on Medical News Today's website.
What Is CBD Oil Not Used For?
CBD oil is not used to get high. It's not strictly medical. It is not a compound which is psychoactive. Basically, it's going to be great for inflammation reduction and will produce a sort of calming feeling when properly used.
How much does CBD Oil Cost?
Costs of CBD are going to differ a number of different ways and for a number of different reasons. Taxation may come into play, and different regions will have different total costs as a result. Generally, when you go to buy products derived from cannabis, there is going to be a tax which is added to the baseline price at which products are generally advertised.
This isn't always the case, but you'll likely find it happening in a lot of shops across states where CBD has been legalized for medical or recreational use.
Be careful, things are a bit nebulous presently. While cannabis products for medical and recreational use are increasingly common, as yet there is no finalized initiative federally legalizing them.
Some states still hold cannabis as an illegal substance, sometimes the differentiation is county to county. For example, in Santa Barbara, California, though recreational cannabis use has been legalized across the state, its sale won't be permitted until 2019.
So elements like these effect cost. Generally, you'll see specials and high prices when CBD is legalized, and those expenses will reduce as it becomes normalized. Currently, you can expect to spend about $30 dollars for 600 milligrams of "basic" or "generic" CBD.
Leafly.com shows a range of prices for popular brands, and you can expect to pay between .05 cents per milligram and .60 per milligram for the more high-end products. That means the commonly purchased quantity of 600 milligrams will range from $30 to $360. Atop that will be varying taxes, which can hike the price up by a margin of between 4% and 22%, once sales, export, excise, and other taxes are factored in.Sometimes CBD, though not strictly medical itself, will be defined that way at dispensaries and caretakers providing it, and oftentimes there isn't tax associated with that purchased for medicinal use. Generally, expect $50 on the low end, tax included, and you'll be able to buy 600 milligrams in any state. On the high end, expect $450. Sometimes you can find smaller quantities for cheaper, but you're likely not going to find much for sale under 100 milligrams.
What are the common CBD dosages?
What is CBD oil dosage for one individual may be something totally different for another--even if health, age, weight, fitness, gender, and mental states are relatively similar. The reason is that CBD interacts with receptors in the brain, and so genes will ultimately determine the final outcome.
Dosages may vary widely between users, and you probably want to experiment a little bit to get the best possible balance for you or for your pets. Still, there are a few things you can do to help you get the dosage optimal.
First, consider your weight. A rule of thumb endorsed by a Medium.com article says for every ten pounds, you take between one and six milligrams. If you're 180 pounds, you'd take between 18 and 106 milligrams, depending on the quality of CBD oil, and your body's own interaction with it.
Another strategy may be to start with small dosages and gradually increase them over time. Also, be sure you consult a physician if you have one; as this will help give you the best idea of a dosage that will match your constitution.
Whatever you do, don't worry. Overdosing on CBD is extremely unlikely; it may even be impossible except for fringe scenarios where some individual had an unknown allergy. According to TheCBDDistillery.com, there are no fatal overdose levels that are known or have ever been reported. The site additionally references a study in 2011 where it was found 1,500 MG of CBD daily wasn't bad for humans--or at least, as the report put it, was "well tolerated".
As yet, bad side effects have not been observed, and there have been studies since 1980. This accounts for when large doses of around 700mg per day were regularly administered.
What do you need to know about CBD Oil?
Generally, before you start any regimen of any health supplement, you want to ensure you've got the blessing of your doctor. However, for the most part, CBD oil represents a cost-effective, non-toxic, primarily legal, and health-positive product. It is even being used with pets more than ever, and that likely wouldn't be the case if some positive result weren't observed.
According to PhytoAnimalHealth.com, there are many vets who have come to "embrace" CBD. While as yet the FDA hasn't approved it for pet use, that doesn't mean it isn't effective at helping relieve the pain which accompanies inflammation--especially for older animals.
In the end, CBD oils are still to some degree controversial, and this is likely to be the case for a few more years. But CBD is dominating the market presently, and there's a lot of money in it. Plenty of studies have shown positive results, and additionally, it's been seen that this substance isn't toxic. Quite to the contrary, in fact.
Certainly, it's important to take all these things with a grain of salt, but in terms of healthy and organic alternatives out there, much can be said for CBD. Especially when you consider harmful side effects which have been associated with traditional pharmaceuticals, it makes sense to explore more natural options which have a large body of work to recommend them.
The bottom line is, your interaction with CBD may be different for you than anyone else. Still, regardless of your position on cannabis and cannabis-related substances, it's difficult to discount the many positive aspects which define human interaction with this surprisingly versatile compound.